Hi, my name is Anshu Gulati
I'm the Digital-magician.

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About Me

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I am an enthusiastic Competitive Coder and App Developer.

As a Computer Science fresher, I have honed my skills in problem-solving, algorithm design, and data structures. Additionally, I have developed several mobile applications for both Android and iOS platforms using programming languages such as Java and Flutter. I am always eager to learn new technologies and explore new ideas.

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Bluetooth Chat application

This is BT-Chat! - a Cross-Platform Application that allows nearby users to chat without any network connectivity. This Application prototype built using Flutter, Dart and Nearby Connections API plugin. It Creates a fully-offline peer-to-peer network and enables advertising, discovery, and connections between nearby devices.

Sign Language Recognition App

This Project aims to create a Cross-Platform Application and Train a machine learning model and integrating into our Application.

Works on real time Live video of any hand gesture of ASL standard sign language shows the output of that sign in text and audio format on the screen.

Car Price Predictor Web App

As Used car sales are on global increase. There is a need for used car price prediction system to effectively determine business finance and customer purchase. To predict the Price of an used Car by taking it's Company name, it's Model name, Year of Purchase, and other parameters.


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